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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Map It For Me!

This is my new favorite tool...

If you run, walk, bike, or hike, your going to love it too! Have you ever finished a bike or run and wondered exactly how far you've gone? Well these maps will tell you that and more! You can find out distance, elevation changes, mile markers, and terrain BEFORE YOU GO. Some even provide details for parking, water, bathrooms, and scenic views. Just plug in your starting address, map your course, and hit save. PRETTY SIMPLE!

Also, this is a great way to add routes to your repertoire by exploring existing maps. This is where I could use your help. The more routes created, the more options I have for my runs! So help me add to my "rave runs" by plotting your courses. Ready...Set...Go!


Robert said...

That's a good tool. Thanks for following my blog.

RunToTheFinish said...

I've used Map My Run before, I'll have to check this out for my up coming work travels