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Friday, July 1, 2011

Go Jump a Rope

The other day I was jumping rope with my kiddos and it took my breath away. Holy Cow! I think I hit my max heart rate within 1 min and every part of my body was tired in about 5 min. I have never really thought of using the jump rope for cross training but it's for sure on my list now. I don't know how my kids keep it up for so long. If only I could bottle up that kind of energy.

So what are the benefits of this little piece of equipment?

  • You can burn up to 1000 calories per hour. Crazy! That's more than any other sport I know of. I believe it though. My heart was pumping and I was out of breath fast! However, if anyone can actually jump a rope that long I would be SERIOUSLY impressed.

  • It targets just about every muscle in the body. The jumping will utilize your calves, hamstrings, quads, and glutes while turning the rope will utilize your chest, back, deltoids (shoulders), forearms, biceps and triceps in your upper body. No wonder it burns so many calories! Any exercise that recruits this many muscle groups is ideal because your toning your whole body and keeping it in balance. The chance for injury increases when there's an imbalance.

  • It's easy to learn. For a great tutorial visit RopeSport.

  • It's extremely portable and inexpensive. You can use a jump rope just about anywhere and it won't take up much room in your purse, brief case, gym bag, etc... Talk about a great workout on your lunch break. A good jump rope will cost you about $10-$15 at most sporting good stores.

  • Boxers have been doing this for years! They use the jump rope to enhance coordination, agility, quickness, footwork, and endurance. Go Rocky!

Jump Rope Routines

The most common routine is to alternate jumping for 30-60 seconds and resting for 30-60 seconds. This is continued for 15-20 minutes.

Add it to your circuit training. If your doing lunges, push-ups, sit-ups, then add a jump rope segment to the end before repeating your circuit.

If your like me and you have a hard time hitting the treadmill for longer than 3-5 miles, add 15 minutes of jump roping to continue the cardio push.

Here's a couple great links for different ways to jump a rope.

FreeWorkOutsGuide - This is a 10 minutes circuit that uses 5 different jump rope techniques. Each technique is performed for 2 minutes before moving to the next.

FitnessMagazine - This is also a 10 minute circuit but you get to change jump rope techniques each minute. Good for those of us with A.D.D. The list is on the right and you click on each minute segment for directions (kinda annoying but still a decent workout).

RossBoxing - Jump rope training advice from a boxer. The whole page is great advice but skip half way down to start getting into the routines.

Jump Rope Terminology

Single bounce: The player bounces only once to each turn of the rope, with both feet together.

Heel-toe: The player bounces once to each turn of the rope, alternating her right and left feet so that the heel and toe of opposite feet make contact with the ground at the same time.

Single speed bounce: The player performs single bounces at a rapid pace.

One foot single bounce: The player bounces once to each turn of the rope, using only one foot at a time, alternating between her right and left feet. She counts and jumps once with her right foot and once with her left foot, then she counts and jumps twice with her right foot and twice with her left foot. The player continues this method of counting up to ten with each foot.

Spread: The player moves her feet forward and backward alternately: the right foot forward and the left foot back on the first turn of the rope, and the left foot forward and the right foot back on the second turn of the rope, and so on.

Straddle: The player starts with her feet together on the one count or on the first turn. She spreads her feet apart sideways 15 to 20 centimeters on the two count or the second turn, and she places her feet together on the three count or on the third turn, and so on.

Straddle X: The player uses a single bounce on the first turn. On the second turn she crosses the right leg over the left leg, then she uncrosses her legs. On the third turn she crosses the left leg over the right leg, and so on.

Crossover: The player bounces with her feet together on the first turn and on the second turn she crosses her arms at the elbows on the downward swing of the rope, jumping through the loop of the rope formed in front of her body. The player uncrosses her arms on the next downward swing of the rope. The crisscrossings are done with a bounce in between the crisscrosses, if so desired, and with the right and left arms alternating as the top arm of the crisscrosses.

Double jump: The player makes a single bounce with her feet together while making two turns of the rope. She bends at the waist and speeds up the rope with wrist rotation.

Speed single: The player makes a single bounce with one turn of the rope done at a fast pace.

Alternate jump: The player runs in place while hitting one fast bounce for every tirn of the rope. She lands on the balls of her feet and flexes her lower leg to form a ninety degree angle with the back of her thigh. She may run in place with her knees up or down. Running with the knees up develops the quadriceps and running with the knees down works the hamstring muscles.

Jump through the rope: The player doubles the rope and holds it taut at arm’s length, with her arms shoulder width apart. The player jumps forward through the rope, jusing a kangaroo jump (bringing her knees to her chest). There should be no rests or pauses between jumps.

Triple turn: The player bounces high once and tries to turn the rope three times before the second bounce. She should concentrate on developing a higher jump and more rapid wrist action.

Jump square: The player jumps in a pattern that circumscribes a square.

Front and back: The player bounces with her feet together, alternating jumping forward and backward. She should concentrate on swinging her hips forward and backward as well.

Side to side: The player bounces with her feet together and jumps from side to side. Again, she should concentrate on swinging her hips.

Two right, two left: The player bounces once to each turn of the rope, twice on her right foot, then twice on her laft foot. She continues this pattern and constantly tries to increase her speed.

Hula hoop: The player bounces through the rope on her first turn with her feet together. When the bounceis completed, she brings her hands together and swings the rope on the right side of her body as she bounces again. She moves her hends apart at the top of the swing and again bounces through the rope with her feet together. When this bounce is completed, she brings her hands together and swings the rope on the left side of her body as she bounces again. She continues this pattern as she builds speed and agility.

I don't kow about you but I have been motivated to include jump roping in my cross training. Anything that can target my whole body and burn that kind of calories is great in my book.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


You may agree that it's like striking GOLD when you find a song that matches your stride or one that keeps your mind off the pain. Maybe you've got a song you always play during the last stretch of a run/race to keep you going strong to the finish or some tunes that get you through the "wall". Either way I always enjoy seeing a list of great running songs so I can make updates to my playlist so I thought I'd share mine in hope to get some suggestions in return. (My favorite newest additons are in bold)

  • ADELE - Rolling In the Deep

  • THE BANGLES - Walk Like an Egyptian

  • THE BLACK EYED PEAS - I Gotta Feeling

  • BRUNO MARS - Grenade, Runaway Baby, Marry You, Just the Way You Are

  • DUFFY - Mercy

  • CASCADA - Everytime We Touch

  • D.H.T. - Listen to your Heart

  • FAT BOY SLIM - Gangster Tripping

  • FERGIE - Clumsy, London Bridge

  • FLO RIDA - Club Can't Handle Me

  • GAELIC STORM - Scalliwag, The Beggarman, What's the Rumpus?

  • GLEE CAST - River Deep, Mountain High

  • JESSE McCARTNEY - Leavin'

  • JOHN MAYER - Say


  • KANYE WESY - Stronger

  • KATY PERRY - Firework

  • KELLY CLARKSON - My Life Would Suck Without You, Whyyawannabringmedown, I Want You

  • THE KILLS - Sour Cherry

  • LADY GAGA - Bad Romance


  • MUSE - Supermassive Black Hole

  • P!NK - Get the Party Started, So What

  • PITBULL - Hey Baby

  • PLAIN WHITE T's - Rhythm of Love

  • ROB THOMAS - This is How a Heart Breaks

  • RUSTED ROOT - Virtual Reality, Who Did You Tell it To, You Can't Always Get What You Want, Martyr, Rain

  • TRAIN - Hey Soul Sister, If It's Love

What are your favorite running songs?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Spreading the Word - Crossfit

Ever wanted to give CrossFit a try? Now is the time!

I've got an amazing girlfriend, Shellece Gunnel, who is opening up her own CrossFit Training facility and I wanted to spread the word.

To celebrate her GRaNd OpEniNg she and her husband Josh have made this week completely FREE!!! It's located in Providence (Utah) and classes begin tomorrow and go throughout the week. Check out her website for additional details and have a great time! Tell her Fitness Junky sent ya! ;)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Ragnar Recap - Probably my Last

7 days ago I spent my weekend running around in the Wasatch Mountains conquering my 4th Ragnar Relay. I was a bit apprehensive about my running performance because I joined the team at the last minute (about a week before kickoff) and I hadn't been doing any distance training after getting back into my running routine last month. I was assigned runner #11 which covered a total of 16 miles and had some severe uphill/downhill portions. This is what my legs looked like.

Leg #11 - 3.2 Miles UPHILL

I totally surprised myself and ran this whole thing. Good thing it was only 3.16 miles because I don't think I would've lasted much longer. I was able to crank it out in 31 minutes giving me a 9:47 pace and I was very satisfied. Getting anything under a 10 pace going uphill is good for me. Bad part was that there was so much traffic that I ended up running faster than the cars (which so did most runners) and had to wait 18 min at the top for my van. Time to re-think your cap margin Ragnar.

Leg #23 - 5.5 Miles - Flat (or at least it felt that way in comparison)

This was a great little jaunt around Rockport Lake by the light of the moon. I think I started this leg around 2 a.m. and actually felt pretty good. I got my highest kill count (25!) during these 5 miles and was very happy to throw down a sleeping bag and zonk out shortly thereafter. I finished the 5.57 miles in 45 minutes with an avg. pace of 8:07. Not bad. FYI - Kills are defined as anyone you pick off or pass during the race.

Leg #35 - 7.3 Miles Severe downhill (with a couple severe uphills thrown in. Gee...why not right? )

I actually really enjoy a good long downhill. It often thrashes my calves and quads but I love the speed that can result. This leg was no exception as it hurt more to slow down than to just let the lungs burn and go a little faster than ideal. For example, my second mile was done at a 6:47 split because it was so steep. Then right around 3.5 miles I came upon a giant incline that kicked my can. I can't remember EVER walking in a race but I only got about 1/2 way before I succumbed. I don't think I would've been able to finish as strong had I totally blown my legs trying to be tough. So I did a little speed walking and still managed to kill 2 more runners. So mile 4 was not quite so fast and ended up being a 9:47 split but at least I was able to enjoy the rest of my run and finish strong. My remainder miles were sub 8 with a finish time of 57 min. I was hoping my avg. pace would be sub 8 but it happened to be right on the 8 min mark. close! Just a few more yards and I would've had it! It still makes me smile though since that was my longest run this year done on tired legs, no sleep, and random eating spurts.

Check out the scenery on my last leg. This is running down into Deer Valley and heading into Park City, UT. Gorgeous!

Getting a little support from a fellow teammate. Can you see the little black mark on my calve? They passed out Ragnar Tatt's that were more realistic then any I had seen. It took several days then some serious scrubbage with my fingernails to get it off.

Here I am coming in to my last exchange. My body was so done after this run. After 15+ years of running I've gotten pretty mentally tough but that doesn't always mean I'm physically at the same level. So then I go and run a race like I am in shape and push myself harder than my body can handle. Check out the close up on this pic...

How's that for a look of pain.

I couldn't walk normal for a couple days and my stairs were torture. During my sweet 5 year old's prayers she would ask to "Please bless Mommy's legs so I can sit on her lap again." Yeah, it was bad.

Finish Line -

Our last runner had some chaffed nipples so he was hooked up with some leopard print band aids. Comin' into the finish he just couldn't resist showin' those babies off.

Team Picture -

Kevin, Sheena (our pregnant driver and the reason I ended up running...luv ya lady!), Dustin, Me, Andy, Ashlee, Mindi, Lindsy, Malory, Gentry, Jenna, Brady W., and Brady.

I absolutely LOVE relays and have been in LOVE with with Ragnar but they just keep raising their price and I can no longer afford it. When I started 5 years ago it was only $70 and this year it was $90. Then I just found out they've raised it to $105 for next year. Some one's gettin' a little greedy! So I bid you farewell Raggie until you either lower your price or a sponsorship comes my way.

If your in my area and feeling the same way, here's some other options to look at that cost less and have a lower cap. Let me know if I've missed some so I can get the word out!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

When to use Hot vs. Cold

I'm getting old.

Last Sunday I was being the cool Mom and playing a mean game of soccer with my kiddo's (3-7 years I remind you) and after about 5 minutes I pulled my right quad muscle just slightly. What the...??? It felt like a charlie-horse at the top of my thigh and so I dropped out of the game and went limping in the house for an ice pack. Not such the cool Mom anymore.

So for the next couple of days I had an ice pack down my pants. This is what it looked like.
I left my head out of the picture since it was day two of no shower and it was ugly. It's pretty sad when I'm driving around with a slightly expired driver's license because I haven't taken the time to get ready this week and I don't want a homely looking photo on my card.

Can you tell which side is my rear? The pockets kinda give it away but if they were gone I'd be rockin' a double butt.

So when do you apply the cold pack versus a hot pad?

Here's your answer...


An acute injury is one that has a sudden onset and pain is felt right away. Often it is caused by a twisting movement, direct blow to the area, or a fall. Ice should be applied a soon as possible to reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. Since the cold reduces or slows blood flow to the injured site, ice should be applied as soon as possible to reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain.

After approximately 3 days it can be beneficial to alternate between hot and cold treatments. Typically this is done with 10 minutes of cold followed by 10 minutes of heat. The heat will increase the blood flow and aid in tissue repair and when used in conjunction with the cold it double the effect. Just make sure all bleeding has stopped before applying any type of hot pack.

Another benefit of the alternating treatments is to first use heat to loosen up a stiff area before stretching and strengthening a weak area. Then follow up with the cold to reduce any subsequent pain and even making the tissue less pliable. Sometimes a muscle/tendon that is too relaxed from heat can get even more injured.


Chronic injuries do not typically have a sudden onset. Rather they gradually appear and are often brought on by overuse. Also, if an acute injury is not treated appropriately or doesn't heal properly, it can become a chronic injury.

Heat is most often used with chronic injury to help promote blood flow to site and tissue repair. This will allow any tight areas to relax and respond better to stretching Apply heat for 15-20 minutes using a hot pad, hot water bottle, or warm damp towel (damp heat usually gets deeper into the tissue).

Again it can be beneficial to follow up any exercise with a cold pack to reduce any swelling or inflammation to the chronically injured area.

I've got the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay this weekend so I've been rotating hot and cold like crazy for the past 2 days and trying to take things a little easy. I even got runners during my softball games this week. Not my ideal thing to do since running the bases is my favorite part but it's all in the name of racing!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Toy + Baby Tortilla Wraps

Isn't it amazing how fast electronics get outdated? I've had my Ipod Nano for about 4 years and I can no longer find accessories for it. My poor armband has been held together with duct tape for quite some time and it has a permanent odor that has caused my closet to radiate with "B.O.'dior".

It's long past due for a replacement but there is not an armband like this to be found. There's a "fit's most Ipod's" arm sleeve for $20 at Wallyworld but there's no access window for the control buttons and it looks huge. So I thought, why spend the money on something that probably won't work when I can spend $20 more and get this...

Bye-bye armbands! Hello clip-on.

Also, thought I'd share a new meal idea I got from a friend (Connie:).

Baby Tortilla Wraps

Why haven't I thought of these before? I've made plenty of wraps in my day but never thought to cut them like little sushi rolls. Inside the tortillas I added turkey, cheese, tomato, pickle, lettuce, and some low fat cream cheese* to hold it together. Walla! I can pop these right in (probably because I have a big mouth) and not have to mess around with my wrap that keeps falling apart (probably because I'm retarded).

*Suggestions on a healthier spread would be fabulous!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Calorie Calculator

I often wonder if I wore my Garmin around for a full day, how many miles would I cover and how many calories would I burn? Of course that means I'd actually have to break open the heart rate monitor that I've never bothered to try so I could utilize my resting heart rate. I gotta be able to count my sitting at the computer and blogging calories right? Hmm, now I'm considering other activities and what they do to my heart rate...I'll leave things up to your imagination.

Too bad the battery would burn out before I the day was done but I think I'm still going to do it. I'll just have to break the day up into segments until I get a full day in.

So while I conduct this experiment, here's an interesting link to check out. It's a calorie calculator I found that is pretty all inclusive. It lists just about every activity you may be involved in. All you do is input your weight and duration and then you'll know how many calories you burned playing hacky sack, cleaning rain gutters, making your bed, and even standing in a line.

Good News - I burned 53.1 calories sitting here reading blogs for an hour. Nice! Oh, and I think for my new cross-training program I'm going to do a little foresting. ;)

Ever wore your Garmin around just to see how many calories you burned?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Do I smell?...I Hope So!

Did you catch the ad on the back of this month's Runner's World?

Yeah, that's what I'm gonna tell myself (and everyone around me) next time I find out I'm the smelly one. If it means I have to stink to get a PR, I'll take it!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

How Did You Celebrate?

NaTioNal RunNinG DaY

June 1st marks an exciting day for us runners. It's a day that while many of us solo runners are out pounding mileage, we know there's a whole lotta people out there celebrating with us.

In honor of National Running Day I finally left my slacker habit behind. I've been meaning to do some hill repeats for a while but had a lot of "good" excuses to focus on getting my base mileage done instead. Well not any more! Yesterday on my 5 miler I snaked some blocks set on a hill so I would get both an uphill/downhill length and a flat length between them.

Why do hill repeats? Here's some benefits...

  1. You'll Build Strength - Running on an incline is a form of resistance training and will strengthen all your running muscles (calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes, and hip flexors) more than training on flat ground.

  2. You'll Decrease Chance of Injury - Since your strengthening your running muscles your less likely to get running-related injuries.

  3. You'll Get Faster - The muscles you use to run up hills are the same ones used for sprinting, so the strength you build will improve your speed. Often as I've conquered a hill on my route, my pace gets faster for the remaining mileage.

  4. You'll Fight Boredom - If you're getting tired of your flat courses then changing it up a bit can renew motivation

There is technique that goes into a hill repeat as well. For some great advice visit this link.

How did you Celebrate National Running Day?

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

RagMag Picture Nominations

The Wasatch Back is a relay race put on by Ragnar that I've run a few times and it has become HUGE!!! It starts in Logan, Utah and runs 188 miles to Park City. Last year while hanging out at the finish line I ran into the guy (Mike) who takes pictures for the "RagMag" which is the Ragnar Magazine handed out to all the runners as the relay guide. Mike recently put out a request for pictures for this year's magazine so I sent him a handful. What a cool momento that would be to have a picture in this year's Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay!

These are my nominations...

Our team name ~ "Victorious Secret" Thus the shirts. Thought I should explain why we are dressed in fake lingerie. Here we are by the Ragnar Tent. I'm second from the left.

Showing off our finisher bling...and some leg. Now I'm all the way to the left.

Approaching an exchange point. Look close and you see me getting my Ragnar slap bracelet ready.

and my personal favorite...

Taking some personal time on a "bumper dumper". I made sure to grimace for full effect. Hahaha!

I'm not sure if I'll hear anything back before I actually see the magazine on race day (June 17-18) but you'll be the first to know. I'm sure the suspense is just killin' ya. Okay...okay...atleast just fake it for my sake.

Friday, May 27, 2011

"No pain, no gain"?...

...Then I'd better be gaining cause I've gone through the pain part.

I've been reminded these past few weeks at how sore a person can get when they start running again or are picking it up for the first time. You may have previously read how I took a little, okay a lot of time off of the running circuit (5 mo's) while we got this house built and so it really feels like I'm starting over. My back has been cranky, my abs are achin', my lungs are burning, and my thighs...oh my thighs - oucha! It can be discouraging. It's easy to see why someone would give up after a few tries. But alas I'm finally feeling strong. Just like when you hit the gym for the first time and lift weights, your gonna be sore the next day. It has taken about 3 weeks to strengthen my running muscles so that they are firing up again.

I've also had to remind myself to GO SLOW. I'm not even close to where I was at the end of last year. Even when my body wants to fall into a faster pace I hold myself back because I know I won't make it far. But if I'm a 1/2 mile away from home and I've got anything left in the tank I let it rip. So for a few blocks I feel like my old running self but not ANY sooner or I'll be my "new" self barfing in a ditch.

Moral of the story...

If you are giving this running thing a try, STICK WITH IT! It only gets better. Once your muscles get used to running and you build up some endurance then you'll feel much better. Personally I think this happens once you've conquered 4 miles. You just have to bear with it for a little while (and start SLOW) then you'll start to get the runner's high and maybe even find a new hobby that leaves you feeling great about yourself.

Also, it might help to make Ibuprofen (or another inflammation/pain reliever) your friend during the first few hard weeks...a couple hours AFTER you run. We've gotten pretty close. ;)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ima Green Monster Too

I gave the Green Monster a go the other day and now I'm hooked. I don't even throw anything fancy in the mix, I just chug it straight up. I have, however, learned to not put too much spinach in the blender or the drink turns out a too bitter for my buds. If you haven't tried one you really should give it a go. Even my 2 year old boy likes to have his own little cup of monster.

For lunch I paired a Monster with some sweet potato fries and it was delish. I just sliced the potatoes, brushed them with olive oil, then sprinkled them with a BBQ seasoning. Then I broiled them for 10-15 min. YUM!

If you have slid a monster down your pipe I wanna hear what things you mix in. I'm ready to give it a try but don't want to waste my time throwing things in the blender that are gross.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Ever seen this before?

I've finally got my mojo (a.k.a. fat butt) moving again now that we've finished building and are moved into our new home...and it ain't pretty. My back is sore, my abs are cryin', and my thighs are screaming. Not to mention that I'm having to push myself just to keep a pace around 8:30. 5 months ago my 5k pace was 6:45 and my 10k pace 7:20. Wow, doesn't seem fair how fast I get out of shape vs. how long it takes to get in shape.

Maybe these will help...

My kiddo's/hubby got me these for Mother's Day. A new pair of ASICS Gel Nimbus 12. I like 'em. Plus, have you ever seen this before?

The laces are set on the inside to follow the shape of the foot. It's quite comfy. Anyone had a shoe with this placement of the laces? Personally I hope it catches on like the mesh. Here's to Happy Feet!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Frosty Eyelashes

Runbattical is officially over! I'm not a fan of running in the dark and now that it's finally light in the early morning hours I've started running again. BLISS!!! Although with all the clothes I had on to fight off hypothermia it felt like I was running with a weighted vest but I managed to make it home without shuffling too slow. I didn't actually feel cold but my hubby had to laugh at my face when I walked through the door because I had frost on the tips of my eyelashes and a frozen booger mustache. (Which is why I had to settle for a kiss on the cheek before he headed off to work.) YUM.

Speaking of yum, these somehow made it into my grocery cart today. Then half the bag happen to make it into my mouth.

Good thing I'm running again. I have no self control.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Best Sentence

Last post I had a sentence to be completed by you. Here are the answers...

I'd rather ________________ than give up running.
  • Adam said...
    I'd rather.....stop drinking?
    that is how serious I am.

  • Dash said...
    Wow, Adam probably will win.
    I'd rather pool run 3 1/2 hours a week than give up running. Wait, I already am doing that to not give up running...

  • LB said
    i would rather give up facebook than stop running!

  • Connie said...
    I would rather. Give. Up. (choke! gasp!) CHOCOLATE! And homemade white bread! (two of my favorite sins) But seriously, after a couple weeks, it wouldn't bug me anymore. But no running? BIG BUG. Way better feeling than chocolate...believe it or not. (did I really just say this???)

  • Katie said...
    ahaha Adam wins!!
    Actually I did just stop drinking (mostly) so that I could reach my running and fitness goals.

    Mmm I'd rather. . . stop blogging

  • Sara said...
    I'd rather sacrifice getting to my goal weight faster than give up running by not fueling properly!

  • Greg said...
    I would rather spend all of my non-running hours being forced to listen to bad Celine Dion covers than give up running!


Most Dedicated - ADAM (for we all know how dedicated he is to his beer)

Most Social Sacrificing - LB

Most Self Deprivating - CONNIE

Most Likely to Succeed - KATIE

Most Disciplined - DASH

Most Fueling Efficient - Sara

Most Addicted - Greg

Thanks for all your comments!!! I had a great time and a few giggles reading them. I'm inspired by your dedication. ;)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Finish This Sentence...

I'd rather ___________________ than give up running.

pass a kidney stone
stick a needle in my eye
take a nap on a red ant hill

You get the idea. Let's hear yours! All comments will re-appear on the next post and the best answer will receive complete blog notoriety. Just what you really wanted right?

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Offspring do the Burpee

My girls have been witnessing my attempt to bring home Burpee gold and they wanted in on the action. They look much better on video doing these than I. Less jiggling and more giggling. ;)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Try This Citrus Dressing

This is a favorite new dressing of mine given to me by a sister-in-law. By making a few substitutions it becomes a reasonable dressing that doesn't load up the calories on your otherwise healthy salad.

- 1/2 tsp. Grated Orange Peel
- 1/3 cup Orange Juice (use the no-sugar added brands and keep in the pulp to get the fiber benefits)
- 1/4 cup Vegetable Oil (Use canola, peanut, or olive oil to get the "healthier" fats)
- 2 Tbs. Red Wine Vinegar
- 2 Tbs. Sugar (substitute low cal/no cal sweetener like Agave Nectar)
- 1 Tbs. Dry Italian Dressing

On my salad:
- Romaine Lettuce
- Pomegranates
- Gorgonzola cheese (by using a stronger cheese I only add a couple pinches vs. a handful of a milder one)
- Chicken TVP(I'm a texture girl and I like a little crunch. This stuff offers more protein/iron but less calories than bacon bits, croutons, or other salad toppers. I order it from Shelf Reliance.)

FYI - I did 33 burpees on my first attempt at the 2 min challenge. That was two days ago. My chest still hurts from the push-ups. I had to take a 10 second breather halfway through but I'm wondering if I drop down and do girl push-ups for that 10 seconds if I could get a few more. Not today though...ouch!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Can you Burpee?

Wahoo! I'm getting back into the game.

I did my first session with my new kettlebells and it was great. I can see why they are so efficient since you are working several muscle groups at the same time. My core was engaged during my whole routine and that will be a huge benefit to my running come spring.
I already have a few favorite exercises.

(Variation: do this with a 2 1/2 yr old boy laying on your stomach with his feet in your face. Mine thought it was a ride when I'd raise and lower my hips. Weeeee!)

Something else I'm pretty stoked about is going on over at RunnerManWannabe's place. He's hosting a Burpee contest (not to be confused with burper contest) to see how many you can do in 2 min. Go take a gander at the details if you'd like in. I did a few burpee's today to practice and lets just say I'm gonna need until the deadline (Feb. 13th) to get a good number. It's all just for a good time and to take on a fun challenge. Join us!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Hi, my name is Slacker

Remember me?

Wow. I suck. I new the holidays would be nuts but I wasn't fully prepared for all the craziness that would follow them. Here are my lame excuses...

Excuse #1 - We are full blown in the middle of building our house and decided to do the electrical work ourselves. Lesson - save up a little more money so you can pay someone else to do it. Waaaaaaay too many late nights.

Excuse #2 - Getting bids for the house. I now know the names of all available siding, doors, tile, carpet, rock, cupboards, faucets, sinks, light fixtures, and paint colors. I have things scrolled on little sticky notes all over the place and half of them I don't understand. Haggling for the right price makes me cranky.

Excuse #3 - At the end of December I was asked to be the Primary President in my ward (I'm a steward over all the children in my local church). I LOVE this calling but the end/first of the year has a lot of busy work and to top it off we are moving church buildings this week so I've been prepping for that.

Thus my blog life (and all other forms of social life) have suffered. I've gotten into an exercise funk and I hate it. It's time to do something about it. Here are my new toys.

During the cold/dark/winter months I tend to do more strength training than running (since there's just so many miles I can pound out on a treadmill) and I decided it was time to splurge on some new equipment to finally get me going. Kettle balls are a killer tool to build up core strength as well has tone arms/legs. Here we go!

Do you use a kettle ball? What is your favorite kettle exercise routine? (I've got me a chart to go with them so I can learn the kettle ball lingo)