7 days ago I spent my weekend running around in the Wasatch Mountains conquering my 4th Ragnar Relay. I was a bit apprehensive about my running performance because I joined the team at the last minute (about a week before kickoff) and I hadn't been doing any distance training after getting back into my running routine last month. I was assigned runner #11 which covered a total of 16 miles and had some severe uphill/downhill portions. This is what my legs looked like.
Leg #11 - 3.2 Miles UPHILL

I totally surprised myself and ran this whole thing. Good thing it was only 3.16 miles because I don't think I would've lasted much longer. I was able to crank it out in 31 minutes giving me a 9:47 pace and I was very satisfied. Getting anything under a 10 pace going uphill is good for me. Bad part was that there was so much traffic that I ended up running faster than the cars (which so did most runners) and had to wait 18 min at the top for my van. Time to re-think your cap margin Ragnar.
Leg #23 - 5.5 Miles - Flat (or at least it felt that way in comparison)

This was a great little jaunt around Rockport Lake by the light of the moon. I think I started this leg around 2 a.m. and actually felt pretty good. I got my highest kill count (25!) during these 5 miles and was very happy to throw down a sleeping bag and zonk out shortly thereafter. I finished the 5.57 miles in 45 minutes with an avg. pace of 8:07. Not bad. FYI - Kills are defined as anyone you pick off or pass during the race.
Leg #35 - 7.3 Miles Severe downhill (with a couple severe uphills thrown in. Gee...why not right? )
I actually really enjoy a good long downhill. It often thrashes my calves and quads but I love the speed that can result. This leg was no exception as it hurt more to slow down than to just let the lungs burn and go a little faster than ideal. For example, my second mile was done at a 6:47 split because it was so steep. Then right around 3.5 miles I came upon a giant incline that kicked my can. I can't remember EVER walking in a race but I only got about 1/2 way before I succumbed. I don't think I would've been able to finish as strong had I totally blown my legs trying to be tough. So I did a little speed walking and still managed to kill 2 more runners. So mile 4 was not quite so fast and ended up being a 9:47 split but at least I was able to enjoy the rest of my run and finish strong. My remainder miles were sub 8 with a finish time of 57 min. I was hoping my avg. pace would be sub 8 but it happened to be right on the 8 min mark. Ahhh...so close! Just a few more yards and I would've had it! It still makes me smile though since that was my longest run this year done on tired legs, no sleep, and random eating spurts.
Getting a little support from a fellow teammate. Can you see the little black mark on my calve? They passed out Ragnar Tatt's that were more realistic then any I had seen. It took several days then some serious scrubbage with my fingernails to get it off.

Here I am coming in to my last exchange. My body was so done after this run. After 15+ years of running I've gotten pretty mentally tough but that doesn't always mean I'm physically at the same level. So then I go and run a race like I am in shape and push myself harder than my body can handle. Check out the close up on this pic...
How's that for a look of pain.

I couldn't walk normal for a couple days and my stairs were torture. During my sweet 5 year old's prayers she would ask to "Please bless Mommy's legs so I can sit on her lap again." Yeah, it was bad.
Finish Line -
Our last runner had some chaffed nipples so he was hooked up with some leopard print band aids. Comin' into the finish he just couldn't resist showin' those babies off.

Team Picture -
Kevin, Sheena (our pregnant driver and the reason I ended up running...luv ya lady!), Dustin, Me, Andy, Ashlee, Mindi, Lindsy, Malory, Gentry, Jenna, Brady W., and Brady.
I absolutely LOVE relays and have been in LOVE with with Ragnar but they just keep raising their price and I can no longer afford it. When I started 5 years ago it was only $70 and this year it was $90. Then I just found out they've raised it to $105 for next year. Some one's gettin' a little greedy! So I bid you farewell Raggie until you either lower your price or a sponsorship comes my way.
If your in my area and feeling the same way, here's some other options to look at that cost less and have a lower cap. Let me know if I've missed some so I can get the word out!
You killed it this year! You are so inspiring to me. I had no idea they upped the price yet again for next year, that seriously sucks!! Let me know if you're going to do any relay race, because I'd love to be on a team with you. Love ya, babe!
These Ragnar relays certainly are a lot of fun. Great photos and the close up is awesome. I must say her in South Africa some prices are also getting totally ridiculous. People are making money and now want more and more.
I have a solution for your friend with the nipple issue. Let me know if he's interested. I agree that the price is ridiculous. I'm lucky thatmy company has sponsored teams the past two years. We have 2 teams fornext year and although RAGNAR is one of the funnest events I've done I wouldn't do it if I had to pay. I also know a Guy who may sponsor a team. Maybe one of these teams will need you next year.
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