I did my first session with my new kettlebells and it was great. I can see why they are so efficient since you are working several muscle groups at the same time. My core was engaged during my whole routine and that will be a huge benefit to my running come spring.

(Variation: do this with a 2 1/2 yr old boy laying on your stomach with his feet in your face. Mine thought it was a ride when I'd raise and lower my hips. Weeeee!)
Something else I'm pretty stoked about is going on over at RunnerManWannabe's place. He's hosting a Burpee contest (not to be confused with burper contest) to see how many you can do in 2 min. Go take a gander at the details if you'd like in. I did a few burpee's today to practice and lets just say I'm gonna need until the deadline (Feb. 13th) to get a good number. It's all just for a good time and to take on a fun challenge. Join us!