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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Best Sentence

Last post I had a sentence to be completed by you. Here are the answers...

I'd rather ________________ than give up running.
  • Adam said...
    I'd rather.....stop drinking?
    that is how serious I am.

  • Dash said...
    Wow, Adam probably will win.
    I'd rather pool run 3 1/2 hours a week than give up running. Wait, I already am doing that to not give up running...

  • LB said
    i would rather give up facebook than stop running!

  • Connie said...
    I would rather. Give. Up. (choke! gasp!) CHOCOLATE! And homemade white bread! (two of my favorite sins) But seriously, after a couple weeks, it wouldn't bug me anymore. But no running? BIG BUG. Way better feeling than chocolate...believe it or not. (did I really just say this???)

  • Katie said...
    ahaha Adam wins!!
    Actually I did just stop drinking (mostly) so that I could reach my running and fitness goals.

    Mmm I'd rather. . . stop blogging

  • Sara said...
    I'd rather sacrifice getting to my goal weight faster than give up running by not fueling properly!

  • Greg said...
    I would rather spend all of my non-running hours being forced to listen to bad Celine Dion covers than give up running!


Most Dedicated - ADAM (for we all know how dedicated he is to his beer)

Most Social Sacrificing - LB

Most Self Deprivating - CONNIE

Most Likely to Succeed - KATIE

Most Disciplined - DASH

Most Fueling Efficient - Sara

Most Addicted - Greg

Thanks for all your comments!!! I had a great time and a few giggles reading them. I'm inspired by your dedication. ;)


Lisa said...

Great answers! what is life without running?

ihaverun said...

Love the responses! What a great idea.

I don't know if I could narrow it down to one thing. There are plenty of things I would give up instead of running!

LB said...

hahaha, those were great!

Anonymous said...

they were all fun! Thanks for calling me disciplined! :)