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Friday, February 11, 2011

Finish This Sentence...

I'd rather ___________________ than give up running.

pass a kidney stone
stick a needle in my eye
take a nap on a red ant hill

You get the idea. Let's hear yours! All comments will re-appear on the next post and the best answer will receive complete blog notoriety. Just what you really wanted right?


Kelly said...

WOW! Tough choices! ;) Well, I have already passed a kidney stone...worst pain EVER! I hate putting even eye drops in my eyes, so I couldn't imagine a needle! AND, I hate critters...just the thought of ants crawling up in my business just makes me super squirmy! I have to think about this...either #1 or #3!

The Boring Runner said...

I'd rather.....stop drinking?

that is how serious I am.

Katie said...

ahaha Adam wins!!

Actually I did just stop drinking (mostly) so that I could reach my running and fitness goals.

Mmm I'd rather. . . stop blogging

alright that wasn't so good cause I could pretty much give up blogging right now.

Idk I'm not funny or creative like that; I might be back if an idea hits :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, Adam probably will win.

I'd rather pool run 3 1/2 hours a week than give up running. Wait, I already am doing that to not give up running...

LB said...

i would rather give up facebook than stop running!

Charlie said...

I would rather. Give. Up. (choke! gasp!) CHOCOLATE! And homemade white bread! (two of my favorite sins) But seriously, after a couple weeks, it wouldn't bug me anymore. But no running? BIG BUG. Way better feeling than chocolate...believe it or not. (did I really just say this???)

Charlie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sara said...

I'd rather sacrifice getting to my goal weight faster than give up running by not fueling properly!

I can't wait to hear what everyone else has to say! I like your examples by the way! ;)

Greg said...

I would rather spend all of my non-running hours being forced to listen to bad Celine Dion covers than give up running!