Summer hit us hard the past couple of weeks and we've been AWOL making memories with our friends and family but I finally have a moment to reach back into my cyber world and re-cap my favorite relay race I participated in a few weeks ago.
The Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay covers 188 miles and is one of 12 relays Ragnar has in the U.S. It was actually the first one they created and it has become a VERY popular race here in these parts. This year marks my third and it was better than ever! The company in your van makes all the difference and we were a wild and crazy bunch so it was a blast!
This relay has you create a team of 12 people split into 2 vans of 6. Then you leap frog your way to the finish with each participant doing 3 legs. The legs are categorized into "Easy, Moderate, Hard, and Very Hard" according to distance and grade (elevation loss or gain). My three legs looked like this...
The Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay covers 188 miles and is one of 12 relays Ragnar has in the U.S. It was actually the first one they created and it has become a VERY popular race here in these parts. This year marks my third and it was better than ever! The company in your van makes all the difference and we were a wild and crazy bunch so it was a blast!
This relay has you create a team of 12 people split into 2 vans of 6. Then you leap frog your way to the finish with each participant doing 3 legs. The legs are categorized into "Easy, Moderate, Hard, and Very Hard" according to distance and grade (elevation loss or gain). My three legs looked like this...

Leg #2 - Exchange 13 - 8.5 (Very Hard)

Leg #3 - Exchange 25 - 4.8 (Easy)

"Victorious Secret" team picture...BEFORE

Rachelle, Robin, Gentry, Lindsy, Sheena, Me

Comin' down the home stretch to my first exchange.
Distance ~ 7.8 miles
Time ~ 59:24:65 min.
Average pace - 7:36 min/mi

My cute little family cheered for me along the course. They were so adorable yelling for their Mama. I even had to stop and give them each a smooch! Here's a quick family pic at the end of my first run before we hopped in the van to support our next runner. Love them!
Team Picture after we all had finished our first legs and were taking in a little R&R.

Chowin' down on some free salsa from Rubio's
Left - Me, Sheena, Robin
Right - Rachelle, Gentry, Lindsy
For the night runs we were required to wear a reflective vest, a buttlight, and either wear a headlamp or carry a flashlight. A whole lotta gear but there's been some pretty bad accidents and a couple fatalities so it was understandable.

Showing off the gear.

Here I am coming down the decent from Snow Basin to meet up with my second exchange. Distance - 8.45 miles
Time - 1:04:46
Avg. pace - 7:40 min/mi
The first mile was a pretty steep uphill and killed my average pace but I ended really strong and was able to bring it back down. My last mile was 6:23 min. I'm a sucker for a long downhill.
Waiting to start my last leg. Wahoo!

Even though this was categorized as my "easy" leg it was by far the hardest. Just a flat blacktop on tired legs and no sleep. I had a hard time keeping up my pace and was about 15 sec. over per mile than I was projected. Oh well, ya do what you can.
Distance ~ 4.87 miles
Time ~ 37:46:42
Avg. pace ~ 7:45 min/mi
Van Decor - All the vehicles get decked out for the occasion. This van had a "bumper dumper" and I couldn't resist.

Finish Line

We got a lot of comments on our shirts. People thought they were custom made but I actually just found them at Walmart and had a Logo company put our team name on the back.
"Victorious Secret"
Ragnar 2010

Team pic...AFTER

Here's a complete team picture of our combined vans.
If you've never participated in a relay or been apart of a triathlon team I HIGHLY recommend it. It's a change from the ordinary and you can have such great commodore among your team. I've got friends for life and many wonderful memories!
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