Lately I've been feeling down and out because I haven't been getting my mileage and when this running Ma doesn't get her miles logged there's a little more anxiety and contention in the home. I need my fix! There's a few main excuses...er..I mean...reason's for the lack of running.
- 1 - It's dark and FREEZING during my usual running hours...and I'm a sissy.
- 2 - My treadmill is in my garage since I'm living in a small "special" rental house until our new one is finished being built and in order to get to my garage I have to go through my sleeping kids room.
- 3 - I have a hard time doing anything over 5 miles on the tread, and even that's a stretch.
- 4 - My left knee hasn't liked me lately. Self diagnosed "Jumper's knee."
So when I saw Marcia's post about her Runbbatical Challenge I quickly jumped on her train! Don't get me wrong, I LUV pounding out the miles but it's not happening lately and it just makes me cranky. As a part of the Runbbatical I've changed my normal training into one that doesn't have as much running. Instead I'm going to pull out the circuit training and have a rotation that includes some plyometrics, weights, and speed work on the treadmill. I was inspired to do the circuit training after attending a CrossFit session with a friend last Saturday and I'm only finally able to walk without a limp today. I think I did more squats that day than I have in the past year. It kicked my can!
I'm looking forward to this new routine. Now that I'm not training for anything big (just a couple 5k/10k's) it'll be nice to take a break so I don't get burned out from hitting the pavement and I'll be more excited for the next running season come spring. I've got to be creative and see what kind of stations I can create in my garage for my circuit and I'm excited to see what I can do with it. I'll let you know what I come up with!
P.S. If you're feelin' the same way as Marcia and I then join her challenge by visiting her blog at Running Off At the Mouth. May we be guilt free together heaven forbid another day goes by without a run!
OMG your comment made me laugh out loud, thank you for that today!
I saw the runbbatical, but currently am in love with running. so i'm going to hold on to that lovin feelin as long as I can! I definitely think the times I have taken off made me a better runner
Ejoy the break! I love cross training!
I think you should just join crossfit. It's worth every penny and tons of fun.
can you cheer other runners when you're on runbbatical?
ah, I'm sorry I missed you at crossfit! What did you think??? Who did you go with?? It's good stuff!
Less running now to run more in the next future. I love the cross training too, it is part of my routine.
I hope this works for you. Take it easy with that speedwork on the treadmill. Don’t get injured during your break now, that will suck big time!
I would take a runbbatical but it would definitely cut into my running ..lol
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