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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Lean-Mean-Turkey Machine

(Image from DailyMile)

While gaining weight during Thanksgiving could be considered a national pastime, here's a few tips to help curb the calories.
  • Don't go to Thanksgiving starving - I'm SO at fault for this. It's like I'm saving up for game time so when the dinner bell is rung I can be the greatest face stuffer in the land. EAT a wholesome breakfast/lunch like an egg with whole wheat toast or bowl of oatmeal to avoid over eating when the turkey is served.

  • Eat Slow - Another BAD habit of mine. When you eat fast you tend to eat more than you need. Take your time. Enjoy some conversation without a mouth full of food. You're fellow grub eaters will thank well as your waistline.

  • Go white and skinless - It's an easy way to cut the calories. Stick with white meat with out any skin and you'll save your calorie intake for pie.

  • PUMPKIN - Speaking of pie, your best bet for lowest fat/calories is pumpkin. Just skip dousing it with whipped cream (if it's humanly possible).

  • Small portions on the high fat foods - these foods can include stuffing, mashed potatoes (when made with butter and cream)and gravy, green bean casserole, and candied yams. I'm not saying to deprive yourself of these tasty items (cause I plan on having one of each), just plop down a small portion instead.

  • Drink water - Before you start the meal drink a glass of water. Then drink another one after your FIRST plate. Hopefully it'll save you from going for a SECOND. Hey, leftovers are always better the NEXT day right?

  • Don't be TOO hard on yourself - If you've indulged during dinner, don't kick yourself for the rest of the day!!! This is a time to celebrate and have gratitude for family, friends, and FOOD! Maybe round up the family for a "friendly" game of flag football, go on a walk to promote re-buttoning the pants, or heave your full bellied self on the couch to watch some pro ball but make sure to hit your workout routine hard for the following week!


Would you like to participate in a official Turkey Trot but can't find one close? Dailymile is hosting a virtual 5k on Thanksgiving day. You can run, walk, or bike the 5k and a few lucky winners will be chosen for some prizes. Choose to donate $1, $5, or $10 and ALL proceeds go to St. Jude's, a VERY worthy cause.



I'm thankful for...
4 wheel drive

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Actually Ate Them!

I've been a brussel hater for...well...ever. I can't remember the last time I ate one and wanted another bite. They're just a little too bitter for my buds! So when a whole bag arrive with my last Bountiful Basket (*see below for details) I wasn't very excited.

After a week of sitting in my fridge I decided to give the lonely brussels one more chance before declaring a permanent disdain for them. BUT something drastic had to be done during preparation because the ole' steaming just wasn't cutting it. I did a little sprout searching on the web and found a few ideas, then created my own using what I already had in my pantry.

My Ingredients...
About 5 medium brussel sprouts - halved
2 swigs olive oil
handful of pine nuts
handful of Parmesan cheese

Add one swig of the olive oil to a fry pan and turn up to medium heat. Throw in the sprouts and pine nuts then add the other swig of oil. Stir to coat, sprinke with salt, and then let them cook until they start to caramelize. I like them to get nice and toasted on the flat side. After 8-10 minutes test one by taking a bite or piercing with a fork. When tender slide them onto a serving dish and dust with the Parmesan cheese. There ya go! I actually ENJOYED eating them. In fact, I enjoyed them so much I made another batch for my hubby later for dinner but with a different twist.
Here's what I did for him...

Same ingredients except I substituted sliced almonds for the pine nuts and I added bacon. Not quite as healthy but he ATE THEM! A little bacon and cheese usually gets him to eat anything. :)

If you have a great way to cook up your sprouts I wanna hear it!

*Explanation - Bountiful Baskets is a food co-op I use to order my fruits and veggies. For $15.00 I get a huge laundry basket full of healthy grub. It's great because it forces me to eat better since I'm a sucker for carb's. If you'd like to find out more info you can check out their website.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Have a Little Blog Fun

During the holiday's I welcome any challenge or groupie that can help me get through the season without gaining 5-10 lbs. Here's a couple I have joined.

Amanda @ RuntotheFinish is holding her 3rd annual Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge.

The HBBC runs from Nov 20th - Jan 7th with the goal "to provide a little additional motivation to stay active and make good choices throughout the holiday season."

The Rules...
  • 1 Point per mile (run/walk/snowshoe)
  • 1 Point per 3 miles biked
  • 1 Point per 20 minutes of weight lifting, Pilates, yoga, stretching or abs
  • 1 Point per 15 minutes of another form of cardio (i.e. kick boxing, aerobics elliptical)
  • 1 Per day where you reach a minimum of 7 servings of fruits and veggies
The Prizes...

Besides being able to get through these next few months without starting 2011 with jiggly thighs, Amanda has some GREAT prizes.

Two ways to win.
#1 - Overall points winner
#2 - Random winners drawn just for participating!

Check out her blog for details about signing up and tracking points. It's EASY and you don't have to be a fellow blogger or an exercise extremist to do it. It's just for FUN!

Are you a Runnerd?

Definition - a person who does not conform, often highly intelligent, but socially rejected because of their obsession with running. A runnerd will run in any condition and is either running, constantly thinking about running, or talking about running.

Candice @ IHaveRun has recently coined this term and has started a Runnerd groupie on Facebook where confessions of runaholics can be shared. Join the conversation!

Friday, November 12, 2010


It's finally time to announce the lucky winner of the reflective armbands. I used to pick the winner and comment #33 was chosen. CONGRATS to Sara from over at Email me your address (imafitnessjunky@ and I'll get these babies sent to you. If I don't hear back within a week another winner will be chosen next Friday.

Thanks to all of you that took a gander at my blog and entered this contest. Hopefully we'll be able to get to know each other more from some cyber conversation. Here's to a GREAT (and safe) weekend!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Operation "Pop a Squat"

The runbbatical's going great! I'm getting pretty good with my push-ups, pull-ups, and planks and my knee isn't screaming at me. Hmmm, until now.

A few days ago I just needed to run. A good run. A run that got my feet flying. A run that made me sweat, burned my lungs, worked my quads, and got my heart pumping. So when the hubby was home and I didn't have to "squeeze" in time for a run I flew out the door ready to take on my 6.6 mile course. FREEDOM!!!


1 mile into the course it dons on me. I forgot to visit the Toilet Inn and I AM NOT going to juggle this full bladder around and let it ruin my solitude. So I start picturing secluded places in town and in desperation I switch my original route and make a detour. My new route goes passed a ditch set back and secluded by trees. Perfect! After double-checking for bystanders then poppin' a squat I was ready to go. Hey you gotta do whatcha gotta do! The uninhibited pavement pounding is what I had craved and despite the route re-do I still got in my 6.61 miles at a 7:38 pace. So glad I didn't settle for less.

Ever had to do doing something out of desperation?

One more day to enter the Armband Giveaway.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Did you catch the ING New York Marathon? Holy Cow! Shalane Flanagan is my new idol. She has now join the ranks with Deena Kastor and Kara Goucher of women who inspire me. There has not been a second place finish of an American women for the last 20 years and this was her marathon DEBUT! She finished with a time of 2:28:40, just 20 seconds behind the winner Edna Kiplagat who finished in 2:28:20. Wow, I'm seriously impressed.

Even better this marathon served as the USA Marathon Championship so her amazing debut earned her the title of 2010 National Champion. How's that for being a 26.2 rookie!

Of course this isn't her first time out of the blocks. Here's a brief bio of this leading lady.

  • Height - 5'5''
  • Weight 113
  • Age - 29
  • PRs: 1,500m - 4:05.86 (2007); 3,000m - 8:33.25AR (2007); 5,000m - 14:44.80AR (2007); 10,000m 30:22.22AR (2008)
  • Career Highlights: 2008 Olympic Games 10,000m bronze medalist; 2008 Olympic Trials 10,000m champion and 3rd in 5,000m; 2007 Visa Indoor champion; 2007 USA Indoor 3,000m champion; Two-time USA Outdoor 5,000m champion ('05, '07); Two-time USA XC 4km champion ('04, '05); Two-time NCAA XC champion ('02, '03); 2003 NCAA Indoor 3,000m champion; 15-time NCAA All-American

I'm anxiously awaiting the day when Deena, Kara, and Shalane go head to head. Won't that be a race to watch! It's hard to decide who to cheer for but I'd probably have to go for Kara. After all she was the first professional runner that I have idolized and now that she's delivered her first baby I want her to kick some Mama butt! However, I would do a celebration jig if any American came in the top three.

Who would you cheer for?
Who inspires you to run?

Don't forget to enter my contest here for your chances to win some Brooks NightLife Armbands. Giveaway ends Thursday, Nov 11th.

I'm thankful for...
Indoor plumbing
Hot chocolate


Friday, November 5, 2010

Got Hope?

Ever had a day like this?

6:30 a.m. - Had HOPE that I could get in a run before the munchkins woke up but for some reason the alarm doesn't go off and when I do wake up at 7:30, I'm disappointed. But there's no time to go for a run now cuz I gotta get all the kiddo's ready for school. I start to form a new plan to squeeze in a run after the kids are off. Okay, I feel better. HOPE restored.

9:00 a.m. - Drop child #1 off to school. Decide to forgo a shower because I'm going to get in my run!

9:30 a.m. - Drop child #2 off to preschool then pick up my cute nephew that I'm watching which decreases my chances for a run but so far I'm still HOPEFUL.

10:30 a.m. - Temperatures are still pretty cold to have child #3 and nephew (2 and 3 years) play outside while I run on the treadmill in the garage with the door up, so I opt to shoot for lunchtime. They can have a picnic outside while I run right? That would be fun!

11:30 a.m. - Pick up 4 yr. old from preschool and rush home to start lunch so I can hit the treadmill while they eat.

12:00 p.m. - Kiddos are insisting on staying inside for some reason and to avoid 3 toddler meltdowns I obliged. My new HOPE is that I can run during nap time.

2:00 p.m. - Nephew has gone home and it's nap time. Hooray! Once the babe is asleep I'm home free. But I have to wait until he's asleep because if he hears the treadmill he won't fall asleep.

3:30 p.m. - Child #3 has refused to go to sleep. This of course never happens but only on this day that I've been waiting for my running fix. I should have just hopped on the tread but kept thinking he would fall asleep any minute. After 1 1/2 hours of letting him play/cry in his crib I just get him out and we head to pick up Child #1 from school.

4:00 p.m - 5:00 p.m. - I teach piano. I'm not as anxious as I could be because I have HOPE that while dinner is cooking I can pound out a quick 4 miles. So I sit satisfied to teach...but a little smelly since I skipped out on previous shower time.

5:30 p.m. - Dinner is started. I'm getting excited. It's almost time! But then the phone starts to ring and everyone I know starts to call me. It's okay, I'm okay, cuz I'll just run while the family eats. This should work, at least I HOPE it works.

6:30 p.m. - Dinner time. I've missed my hubby. Once they're all sitting around the table I can't resist but join my family. Plus I realize I'm STARVING so I sit down to eat and almost give up on today.

7:30 p.m. - But wait...maybe there's still HOPE. We actually got done eating pretty quick. If we hurry through homework and baths I might still make it.

8:30 p.m. - BLISS! Finally! I'm running...and running hard. I'm just happy to get my "ME" time in even if it's only for 30 minutes. I feel great and have HOPE I can fit in another run in the next couple of days.

9:00 p.m. - Put the little people to bed and take a hot shower. Ahhh, I'm at peace.

I'm thankful for...
baby powder (to soak up greasy hair)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A MoNth Of ThanKsGiviNg

Running gives me a time of reflection. I need this time to let my thoughts wonder where I want them to, not on who needs a PBJ or a diaper change. Most of my thoughts are about life in general like "How can I be a better Mom/wife/friend?", or "What needs to get accomplished today?". But recently I've been reflecting upon the blessings in my life. Very fitting for this time of year and since I have a friend over at Natural Bliss who has decided to make this her month of gratitude I thought I'd join her and list things I'm grateful for at the end of my posts during November. Hopefully I'll come out the month with a deeper appreciation for what I do have and a whole positive outlook on life. Heaven knows I'm gonna need it to get through Christmas. ;)

I am thankful for...
House shoes
Warm water

Monday, November 1, 2010


The days are getting shorter now and for many of us brave soles that means running in the dark. It also means wearing gear that will make us seen by motorists, who BTW are totally amazed by our dedication...or stupidity? Either way we are getting our fix and can start or end our days with satisfaction.

One way to increase your visibility is by wearing reflective arm bands and since I care for your welfare I'm giving away a pair of Brooks Night Life Bands. These babies are great because...

  • They are super reflective with 3M Scotchlight retro reflective film

  • You can wear them on your wrist, arms, or legs.

  • The hook and loop closure makes them easily adjustable.

  • They will fit over any thing you are wearing, (i.e. long sleeve, jacket, coat, snowbibs if you live in the Rockies, etc...)

Required Entry - leave a comment

Become a junky yourself by following my blog. Just click the button on the sidebar to do so or let me know if you already are.

Extra Entries - leave a comment for each one

Spread the link love on your blog telling about my contest.

Click here to become a follower of @imafitnessjunky on Twitter.

Tweet Tweet- @imafitnessjunky is giving away Brooks Night Life Armbands. Check out for details.

Give a shout out to your friends on Facebook about the giveaway.

Repeat "I will wear safety gear" three times while hopping on one leg and rubbing both your stomach and your head.

Give away will close on Thursday, Nov. 11th with the results posted Friday. Good Luck!