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Thursday, November 4, 2010

A MoNth Of ThanKsGiviNg

Running gives me a time of reflection. I need this time to let my thoughts wonder where I want them to, not on who needs a PBJ or a diaper change. Most of my thoughts are about life in general like "How can I be a better Mom/wife/friend?", or "What needs to get accomplished today?". But recently I've been reflecting upon the blessings in my life. Very fitting for this time of year and since I have a friend over at Natural Bliss who has decided to make this her month of gratitude I thought I'd join her and list things I'm grateful for at the end of my posts during November. Hopefully I'll come out the month with a deeper appreciation for what I do have and a whole positive outlook on life. Heaven knows I'm gonna need it to get through Christmas. ;)

I am thankful for...
House shoes
Warm water


ShutUpandRun said...

Ahhh warm water. Baths, tea, hot tubs. I spend Aug to May freezing, so I love my warm water too.

Kevin said...

Great cartoon.
