If I won, I got to finally purchase a new living room set. If he won, I had to put more money into our savings each month (he's an accountant...enough said.) Well Mr. Speedy started out his training a little too strong and ended up with a bum knee and a forfeit. I didn't give him too much grief because he was limping around and I didn't think it was worth him ruining his knee but I still count it as a forfeit and will be furnishing my new home nicely by the end of the year.
Well a couple days ago he declared a rematch...double or nothin'! The difference is that he wants to stick with a 5k instead. Of course I HAD to give him a hard time. ONLY A 5K? But I think it would be fun and I don't want him hobblin' around again so we're ON! The date is set for September 6th. Now these twins are on the line.
That's right! Every Mom's DREAM!!!
If I win I get the new living room set AND the washer/dryer combo. These puppies have been on my wish list ever since baby #3 was born...only in red.
So now I've got to kick up my speed work and focus a little harder my 5k training than I intended to do this summer but I've got my work cut out for me. First time running this morning and hubby's already got a 7:10 pace. WHAT?!? Good thing mine was 7:01! HAHAHAHA!
This could get ugly. :)
Challenges are awesome motivation huh?? Good luck for the run. Will look forward to hearing how it goes and whether you get that lounge suite :-)
You go girl! I totally understand what it's like being married to an Accountant. ;) My money is on YOU!
Oh you got it in the bag!
This is great! I wish my hubby ran, I'd have a HUGE list of items to buy. Good luck, I know you can get that 20 minute 5k and beat him!
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